Snapshot Series
Snapshot Series

The French Creek Equestrian Association (FCEA) is dedicated to promoting proper equine management and horsemanship through quality education provided to the interested general public and the membership in the form of clinics, events, seminars, and horse shows.
Most of FCEA's activities are in Berks and Chester Counties and the surrounding area of Southeastern Pennsylvania. We are a GMO in USDF Region 1 and a club member of the British Riding Club.
FCEA offers a variety of activities encompassing most English disciplines. This includes riding clinics, unmounted seminars, a horse show series, Veteran's Day paper chase, and more!
Conceived in 2006, by several local dressage enthusiasts looking for a group to host quality clinics with upper level instructors, French Creek Dressage Association was incorporated in 2007. The founding members of the club are listed below. We are very thankful for their efforts and organization.
The first shows were held in 2007, with an Awards Banquet held in January of 2008.
We hosted the first George Williams clinic in 2009 at Pink Star equestrian in Oley, PA. Thru the years, this clinic has been located at several facilities from the Lehigh Valley to it's current location in Cochranville.
In 2010, the club joined the British Riding Clubs, and twinned with Polnoon Castle Riders in Scotland. An invitation to attend the 50th Anniversary Celebration of our sister club led to FCEA's first international competition in 2011.
Since the meaning of "Dressage" is "training", the club has always looked for instruction across many of the equestrian disciplines. This was the impetus for the name change which was initiated in 2012, and finalized in 2013.
In 2014, we focused on our mission. FCEA is dedicated to promoting proper equine management and horsemanship through quality education provided to the interested general public and the membership in the form of clinics, events, seminars, and horse shows. The results of that focus, were evident in our USDF GMO year end awards.
Small GMO - General Interest, Newsletter - Kelly Beaver received a first place plaque for General Interest article for "Finding Inspiration",
Small GMO - First Person Article, Newsletter - Louise Jordan-Beam received second place honorable mention for her scholarship article "You're Only Fifty Once".
Small GMO - Best User Experience, Website - First place.
2015 - We added shows back to our schedule of events. The educational seminars were in full swing, and we looked forward to sharing education.
FCEA hosted several educational seminars, clinics with George Williams (final clinic at Justaplain Farm), Sylva Martin, and Aaron England, three dressage shows & two combined test, and two fundraisers in 2015. The fall Paper Chase was expanded to include a Judged Trail Ride and bomb proofing clinic was organized as a preparation for the event. Hoping for better weather this year, we held the Third Annual Elves of Elverson 5k/10k Run in December.
At the USDF Annual Convention, FCEA received recognition for the following GMO awards:
Small GMO - Photography, Newsletter - First Place for the glass horse head photo from the 2014 banquet, taken by Fay Seltzer
Small GMO - First Person Article, Newsletter - Linda Otto received second place honorable mention for her article in the "Feed Back from the George Williams Clinic",
"Check This Off My Bucket List"
2016 - Several winter clinics were held at Equine Exchange Tack Shop. A horsemanship series was held with Foster Zeh (an Aaron England student). The George Williams Clinic was held at Premonition Farm, Atglen. Fund Raisers Included the 4th Annual Elves of Elverson 5k/10k Run in December, and the Paper Chase and Judged Trail Ride in November. A series of 5 schooling shows were held, which awarded personalized coolers featuring your horse's photo to the Champions. Thus the snapshot series was born.
2017 - In March, a Horsemanship clinic was held with Foster Zeh in Malvern, followed by a clinic with Silva Martin in April. The George Williams Clinic moved to Ardara Farm, Cochranville in September. The Snapshot Series continued with 5 schooling shows at Journey's End Farm and Ironstone Farm. Numerous seminars and work days were held. The Paper Chase was held at Grand Marsh Farm in November, followed by the 5th Annual Elves of Elverson 5k/10k Run.
2018 - The biggest change for 2018 was for Awards Qualifications. Members are now responsible for submitting any scores that are earned at non-FCEA shows. Members may still earn points for both schooling and recognized shows while some awards are reserved for FCEA schooling shows only. There were 5 schooling Shows scheduled for Journey's End and Ironstone Farm, one had to be canceled due to excessive rain. The George Williams Clinic was held in September at Ardara in Cochranville, followed by the Paper Chase in November.
2019 - Winter educational seminars continued and sparked interest in numerous other activities. After a brief discussion of Clicker training at one of the Winter Seminars, we scheduled a Clicker Training Seminar and Clinic with Katie Bartlett. George Williams returned in September to Ardara, and then Eventer Sara Gumbiner provided some lessons in October. The Snapshot Series continued at Journey's End Farm, and Daily High Point Awards were added.
2020 - The year started with Winter lessons and seminars, but everything came to an abrupt halt as COVID 19 invaded the US. Since activities were on hold, we used the time to update the website and plan activities. By years' end, we were able to host 3 dressage schooling shows at Journey's End Farm and 4 virtual shows. A last minute clinic, with USDF Olympian Allison Brok at Alterra Farm, was a much needed break for local dressage enthusiasts. The Paper Chase in November provided an opportunity for riders to get out and enjoy a beautiful day and helped the club raise the needed funds for year end awards and events for 2021. The normal Year End Banquet, was changed to a drive in and pick-up day.
Founding Members
Gold Founding Members
Richard Ellis, Laurie Higgins, Sue Springsteen, Courtney Sarge, Ange Bean, Sally Just, Riannon Walsh, Cheryl Kowba, Richard Close, Vicki Sher
Founding Members
Julie Kulp-Martin, Ashley Stewart, Mary Ann Hammond, Dana Ceribelli, Claudia Radcliffe, Barbara Possessky, Abigail Lipow, Cynthia King, Michelle Thomas, Sara Hammond, Alexandra Petyk, Elizabeth Meigs, Mario Rafalin, Roberta Weiss, Cindy Gallagher, Cherie Gaebel, John Dunn, Valdosta Lundy, Debbie Davis, Stacie Shaner, Melissa Mendenhall, Susan Smith, Louise Jordan-Beam, Donna Scott, Susan Haas, Donna Delany, Kathryn Kruemmling, Paula Byrum, Donna Carlson, Susan Amsterdam, Karen DeJarnett