Snapshot Series
Snapshot Series

University Program
The French Creek University Program recognizes members who strive to increase their equestrian knowledge through participation in educational programs.
Eligible courses and procedure for earning hours
All FCEA lectures, seminars, workshops, demonstrations and unmounted clinics are eligible.
Hours will be submitted by the organizer to the University Coordinator.
Auditing of Lessons or Mounted Clinics is not considered. -
Non-FCEA activities require University Committee Approval, either before or after the event.
For prior approval, a request must be submitted to the education committee prior to attendance to be eligible for credit.
If requesting approval after the event, an Educational Activity Form shall be endorsed by the facilitator of the activity, and then the candidate shall submit an Informative Article on the course for publication on the website or newsletter
Credits earned at FCEA Courses will be based upon time, while those earned at non-FCEA Courses will considered individually by topic.
An appointee of the board will record credit hours.
Levels of Achievement
Freshman Certificate 6 hours Certificate
Sophomore Certificate 12 hours Certificate
Junior Certificate 20 hours Certificate
BA Diploma 40 hours Diploma & FCEA Gear
BS Diploma 60 hours Diploma & FCEA Gear
Masters Degree 80 hours Diploma & FCEA Gear
Doctorate Degree 100 hours Diploma & FCEA Gear
Continuing Education Every 20 hours thereafter, an award of Recognition will be presented.
FMI on the University Program, contact Kadie Walmer.