Snapshot Series
Snapshot Series

Markus Stock Jumping Clinic

Friday & Saturday, May 19 & 20
at Journey's End Farm, Glenmore, PA
Crossrails to Grand Prix, groups of 4-5
Friday - flat work, Saturday - grid & course lines
$125/ride, FCEA grants accepted
Preregistered Auditing fee - $20/day, $30/two days. Walk-ins add $5
A few private lesson times may be available.
FMI - Michelle 484.300.1218
Markus Stock began taking jumping lessons at twelve years of age, the first steps of a journey that would later lead him to a Nations Cup (Austria), topping World Ranking Classes and winning International Grand Prix (Budapest 2014).
As a Young Rider Markus had the opportunity to work with some of Europe’s leading show jumping trainers including, Bert Romp and Frank Sloothak. Markus gained International and Grand Prix experience early on in his career. In his early twenties you’d often see photos and placements from Markus competing with horses from the famed Glock Stables.
Markus’s greatest success came with his mount, Quick Step. Quick Step was a horse who was known to be difficult to ride on the flat. Incredibly brave and talented over fences, it was the time in-between the fences that often proved to be the most challenging. Markus was able to tactfully manage Quick between the jumps through systematic training on both the flat and over fences. The pair went on to compete in some of Europe’s most prestigious venues with consistent placements and championships in the CSI Grand Prix division.
Markus’s student’s and the horses he has developed have done exceedingly well in sport. Markus has a positive, confident, and encouraging attitude and its reflected in both his students and the horses he trains. Markus has trained and coached numerous adult amateur and junior - young riders, who gained ribbons, placements, and championships at national competitions, on the Riviera Sun Tour, and the Longines Circuit.
Markus is an extremely popular clinician in both Europe and the Middle East (Dubai). Currently he is sharing his knowledge with riders via his international clinic dates.