Snapshot Series
Snapshot Series

Local Activities
The Chester & Berks County Areas host many great activities. As a service to the community, we will list equine related activities on this page. To list your activity, contact the web master.
NOTE: These activities are listed as a community service, and are not listed for the purpose of obtaining volunteer hours. Additionally, educational grants and volunteer vouchers may not be redeemed at these activities.
Lehigh Valley Dressage Association invites everyone to their Symposium:
Let's Ride the 2023 Dressage Tests
A Symposium featuring Jeanne McDonald and Jim Koford
Delaware Valley University Equestrian Center
Doylestown, PA
Saturday, April 15, 2023 9AM
Demo riders will perform the 2023 tests from training to 4th level providing opportunities to learn more about the movements in the new tests and prepare for show season from both a trainer and a judge perspective.
*This program is now approved for Continuing Education for L Graduates!*
FCEA has approved this program for our university program.
Jeanne McDonald is a well-respected judge and trainer. She is currently a USEF “S”and FEI****
judge. She holds her Bronze, Silver and Gold medals, and sat on the committee to write the 2019 dressage
Jim Koford is a well-known competitor and coach who has his USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold medals. He is a regular competitor and winner at the US Dressage Finals, frequently showing non-traditional breed horses
to the highest levels of dressage.
They will give the auditors and riders a unique perspective on riding & perfecting the 2023 dressage tests from Training level through Fourth level from both a judge’s & trainer’s viewpoint.
To sign up to Audit this Seminar, go to
Auditor Price - $50 pre-registered, $60 at the door